
About this Blog

The world seems to be getting more complicated and more divided. Unfortunately, this same trend is being seen amongst followers of Christ.

I started this blog initially to track my trip to England, visiting the places that John Wesley was at and made an impact... but after I came back, I recognized that my “Wesleyan Pilgrimage” is still happening on a daily basis. With my background in the “Wesleyan Heritage” of the Methodist church, I attempt to make sense of my faith in the midst of this ever-increasingly complicated world. I hope that in reading these posts, you might find help making sense of or confirmation of your own faith journey. In essence, this blog has evolved from a travel diary to be for anyone seeking to grown closer to God from a predominately Wesleyan perspective.

Some of these posts will include why Methodists do certain things (i.e. infant baptism), while other posts will include navigating difficulties in our culture (such as dealing with ever divisive election seasons). Other times, you will see musings on scripture passages that have more of a devotional flare to them. In all posts, I try to link what it is to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

About Me

I’ve been pastoring in the United Methodist Church since July of 2012, and was ordained as a full elder on my 30th birthday in 2015. Even though I wear a stole on Sunday mornings and have the fancy title of “Reverend,” I still have a lot to learn and am figuring things out as I go, so please don’t feel intimidated in the least bit! We’re all on this journey of exploring our faith together!

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